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Showing posts from February, 2018

Week 29. Professional online social networks

Activity 5: Using social online networks in teaching or professional development. Perceived affordances of social media for PD vs low quality content and information overload:  Finding my place in the information flow.  Reflection using Jay and Johnson (2002) reflective model. Step 1 (Descriptive stage):   Social media platforms I use in my professional development are my Research Gate page and a collaborative Wiki . Research Gate has been described as  "Linked In" for academic reseachers, in addition to acting as a repository for my academic publications, I also upload abstracts of academic conference presentations, and pdfs of conference posters.  I share printed conference posters by including a QR code, so a conference participant can  to link to the online version via their mobile device. My Wikispace is called Digipathed, I developed it in collaboration with two other Pathology Teachers, one in Wellington and...

Week 28. Activity 4:Legal and ethical contexts in my digital practice

What Critical Incident : A medical student at the University of Auckland has taken photos of specimens of colon and lung cancer  from the School of Medical Sciences Pathology Museum, annotated the photos, turned them into a study guide, and posted them on his open access blog, which he uses to collate  study notes for himself and to share with other students in the class. There is a no photography rule in this Museum Auckland University School of Medical and Health Sciences Pathology Museum Image:   .. So What   Using Ehrich's framework, the most relevant competing forces are - University of Auckland policy that there is to be no photography in the Museum, - Society and community - some internet users may find such images disturbing, shocking or culturally offensive. On the other hand, the student has created a shared education resource for the benefit of his c...