Reflection using the Nguyen 5 component model. Trigger Most literature reviews I read are text only, this is visually unappealing and technically dense to read and understand. Thoughts and actions Very few contain diagrams, but those are the most memorable articles. I would like to model these articles. I have included 15 coloured figures in my literature review.. Attentive, critical, exploratory, iterative My inclusion of diagrams is on the basis of clarity and concision. Diagrams enhance the quality of a manuscript by: i. assisting explanation of unfamiliar abstract models and theories ii. attracting readers to images iii. figures provide a large amount of information in a shorter time span, always appealing to the time constrained iv. the use of figure and text together (2 channels of information) is shown to be more effective than text alone (Mayer 2003). v. figures act as a hook to increase the chance of an article being read. vi. I as...